4 yearsAgo


myDATA is the platform created by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR/AADE) to digitize the declaration of companies’ financial and accounting data through the transmission of electronic records.
Decision A.1138/2020 defines the types of documents and data that must be reported to the myDATA platform.

The following data must be reported by all liable parties:

  1. Invoices and retail receipts, data from receipts, data from documents issued on the basis of special tax regulations and data on the collection or payment of rent.
  2. Data from the accounting records that form the accounting and tax basis for determining the accounting and tax result of each tax year.
  3. Accounting records for payroll and depreciation must be sent separately, while other revenue/expenditure accounting entries made at the end of the period can be sent in their entirety.

From 1st January 2021 the digital transmission of documents to the myData platform is mandatory and Quetri now offers a complete and user-friendly solution regarding the electronic invoicing requirements of IAPR/AADE with the following functionality:

  • Obtaining invoices from myDATA
  • Bulk or individual invoice transmission to myDATA
  • Detailed view and complete management of myDATA registration
  • Search filters by period / periodicity and / or all data fields
  • Exclude records and store them in a special area for easy monitoring
  • Smart invoice rating form
  • Automatic correlation of myDATA documents with Accounting Records